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Case Studies

Brimington Crematorium

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The Project was to replace the existing boiler plant, flue system, pressurization unit and new internal pipework complete with new radiators for the chapel. We installed a new underground main to the office building with a pre-insulated pipe.

This was achieved by stripping out the redundant boilers, flue, etc and installing two Remeha Quinta Pro 65 boilers and connecting it to the new pipework complete with a new flue, pressurization unit and Fieldwell control system.

Moreover, a 2000L thermal store was incorporated into the system which connects both the heating from the boilers and the existing plate heat exchanger that reclaims the heat from the cremators. Upon completion, the system was commissioned and tested.

Borrowwood Primary School

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The project was to replace the existing heating and hot water plant. This was achieved by installing two Broag condensing boilers, a new gas fired hot water generator and local pipework.

A new BMS control system has been installed complete with gas metering, weather compensation and remote access. The controls package was designed and installed by Fieldwell Energy Services Ltd.

The installation consisted of:

2no wall mounted gas boilers complete with a new flue system
1no wall mounted gas water heater complete with a new flue system
1no auto top up pressurization unit
2no circulation pumps
1no new gas safety interlock system complete with 2no sub gas meters
1no heating water Magna clean unit

Furthermore, new pipework was installed and we connected it to the existing pipework. Following the completion of the installation, we locally tested, insulated and commissioned these works.

Ravenshead C of E School

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The project was to replace the existing heating and hot water plant. This was achieved by installing two Hamworthy condensing boilers, a new gas fired hot water generator and local pipework.

A new BMS control system has been installed complete with gas metering, weather compensation and remote access.

The installation consisted of:

2no floor mounted gas boilers complete with a new flue system
1no floor mounted gas water heater complete with a new flue system
1no auto top up pressurization unit
3no circulation pumps

New pipework was installed and we connected it to the existing pipework. Once the installation was complete, we locally tested, insulated and commissioned these works.

If you have any questions regarding our commercial work, please feel free to contact us.

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